Energy efficiency is about using less energy to accomplish more. It means you are paying less for your energy and/or you are more productive with the energy you use. EnergyX has several capabilities that help you increase your energy efficiency.
Use energy data from across your sites to benchmark energy performance. Normalize data by weather conditions, production units or other variables. With insights from this analysis, you can prioritize investments and set achievable targets for improvement. After the changes are deployed, you can track performance against targets and validate the ROI so that you verify and validate the steps taken and have confidence in future decisions.
EnergyX processes data from all utilities, whether Water, Air, Gas, Electrical or Steam (WAGES). This means that you can manage your full portfolio of utilities within one platform.
With advanced alarming capabilities, EnergyX allows you to stay on target by alerting operators to normalized target deviations in real-time so they can be corrected.
Rich reporting & analytics features allow you to provide deeper insights to management teams so that your energy efficiency programs build a track record of success.
With EnergyX, you can orchestrate your DERs to reduce overall energy costs. Here are some examples:
Dispatch lower cost generation for peak shaving situations or on-peak TOU tariff optimization.
Respond to real-time spot market pricing (or other market incentives) by charging batteries when prices are low and dispatching lower-cost DERs when prices are high.
Manage discretionary loads such as EV Chargers to avoid setting new peaks or reaching capacity limits.
Participate in Demand Response programs with more attractive tariff structures.
EnergyX can monetize energy (i.e. convert kW and kWH to $). This makes it a powerful tool to engage financial stakeholders in energy efficiency and for tracking renewable energy investments. Some of the monetization capabilities include:
Bill Verification for all WAGES utilities - detect meter errors and overcharges and have them corrected.
Cost allocation - Allocate WAGES costs to production cells, cost centers or buildings to drive local behaviors. Use engaging, dynamic kiosk displays to build awareness and culture.
Report on energy costs per production unit - EnergyX has a KPI engine that allows you to calculate and display production or generation KPIs in real-time and use them in reports.
Tenant billing - if your facility has tenants, you can use EnergyX to calculate and create modern energy bills suitable for incorporation into tenant management and invoicing systems.